And Then There Were None

"In the midst of life, we are in death.'
 -Edward George Armstrong-

Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Pages: 264
Format: Physical copy
Genre: Mystery, Crime
Author: Agatha Christie


10 individuals was given an invitation to stay on a remote island. They were greeted by a husband and wife who works there. They don't know who invited them in the island the workers have no idea who their employer was. The first night went well with good food and wine. After the dinner a voice in a speaker began to speak and one by one the Voice over recited each and everyone's crimes. It was the next day when one by one each guest will be discovered dead. 

Who is the Speaker?
Who invited them in the island?
Who is the murderer?


I must admit I enjoyed my very first Agatha Christie book and I think I'll read more of her work. I was in constant debate with myself who the killer might be. I made a mistake on reading with an audiobook because when the voice over changes voice with each character you will learn who the killer will be before the book ends. So audiobook is a big NO NO.

Till my next review.

Mrs. P


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