The Julian Game

"Revenge is two wrongs that make a right. What did you do wrong?"

-Adele Griffin-

Rating: 🌟🌟
Pages: 200
Format: Physical Copy
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Author: Adele Griffin


Raye Archer was the new girl on a exclusive school for girls. When Ella Parker asks for her help she did not obliged. Raye found out that Ella wants to get back with his Ex Julian Kilgarry. She helped Ella at first but when she learned that Ella wants to do more than a prank on Julian she told Julian everything. Now Ella is on to her.

Review Time:

Spoiler Alert!!!!

I was disappointed because the book cover is misleading. I thought I will be reading a Hunger Games type of book here but nope I ended up reading a Middle Grade book. 
The concept is okay. It's just that I was expecting more from it than the usual high school drama.

Till my next review.

Mrs. P


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