Tall, Thin and Blonde

"I think we might have done it anyway, but we were already in so much trouble."

-Jenny Kaliski-

Rating: 🌟🌟🌟
Pages: 180
Format: Physical Copy
Genre: Young Adult Fiction
Author: Dyan Sheldon



Jenny and Amy are best friends, but when Amy changing herself, dieting, drinking diet sodas, her wardrobe and hair and started to be friends with the popular girls. The two of them drift apart. Jenny became close with the odd group which others nicknamed The Martians. Amy wanted Jenny to change herself as well and be part of THE group. 

Will Jenny stick to her best friend or will she be part of The Martians?

Review Time

This is a quick read if you want fast paced, light read book. I like the concept of the story. Best friends, making new friends, discovering yourself, learning new things and being true to yourself. I could not blame Jenny when she wanted to change herself because she wants to be with her best friend. but in the end she realized that she does not need any of that and started to be just the way she is and she stood up on what she believed in. She didn't let peer pressure get into her, she stick to what she got.

Till my next review.

Mrs. P


  1. Just found you have a blog. Yassss.

    1. Yessss.. but i rarely post reviews here. I always use my Goodreads. Thanks for dropping by. 😊


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