Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

“Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect."

– Luna Lovegood-

Pages: 870
Format: Physical copy
Genre: Fiction
Author: J.K. Rowling


It's Harry's Fifth year in Hogwarts. To better prepare them from Lord Voldermort, Harry, Ron and Hermoine formed a group of students to learn and defend themselves against the rising evil. 

Review Time:


It took me some time to finish this massive 870 pages book and also I took my time in reading and tabbing because guys it's Harry Potter. First thing I noticed is that harry is a bit of a grumpy boy. He feel like he's always left behind, whinny, jealous and self-centered. When he keeps on getting detention from Umbridge I put a tab on it and wrote "Just Shut Up Harry". Let's talk about McGonagall when she slammed Umbridge in her class.

Umbridge: Hem hem... I was just wondering, Professor, whether you received my note telling you of the date and time of your inspec-...
McGonagall: Obviously I received it, or I would have asked you what you are doing in my classroom.

Good job there Professor McGonagall. I am really hating Umbridge here more that in the movie. She is getting in my nerves that's why I can't wait to read the part were the centaurs took her.

The Weasley is our King song is a bit catchy. Draco did a good job composing the song. Sorry Ron. It was funny when they used it when the Gryffindor won over the Ravenclaw though.

Overall I loved this book. It's crazy, scary, frustrating, funny, clever, mind boggling and it have a lot of explanation through the end.

Till my next review.

Mrs. P


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