Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more."
 -Albus Dumbledore-

Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Pages: 652
Format: Physical copy
Genre: Young adult
Author: J.K. Rowling


Harry receives help in Potions from the Half-Blood Prince's textbook and he is determined to know who it is. Harry's life was changed when someone close to him was murdered in front of him. Dumbledore guides Harry to seek the only chance to know what is Lord Voldemort's only vulnerability.

Review Time:

May contain spoilers...

I honestly learned a lot about Harry Potter's world because of this book. Now I am disappointed with the movie because they took a chunk off from the book. I think a list will do thie review good.

1. Bellatrix Le Strange and Narcissa Malfoy are sisters. I Just know that they are Sirius Black's relative.
2. Dumbledore picked up Harry at the Dursley's house.
3. Sirius gave Harry the Grimmauld Place.
4. Fleur announced her wedding to Harry.
5. Ginny is going out with Dean Thomas.
6. Professor Slughorn invited Harry for lunch while in the Hogwarts Express.
7. Tonks is the one who discovered harry when Malfoy jinx Harry in the train.
8. Harry used a shield charm to Snape.
9. Harry is now a Quidditch Gryffindor Captain.
10. Rufus Scrimgeour talked to harry regarding standing along the Ministry.
11. It's the year where they are learning to Apparate.
12. Harry discovered because of Dobby that Malfoy is using the Room of requirement.
13. Harry and Dumbledore's field trips.
14. Harry kissed Ginny.
15. Learned about Horcrux.
16. Harry gave Hermoine and Ron the Map and the potion to keep an eye on Malfoy.
17. The DA helped fight the Death eaters.
18. Hermoine explained why Snape was the Half-Blood prince.
19. Harry broke up with Ginny.
20. They tried to see the signs that Snape is in Voldemort's side.
21. Why no Defense against the dark Arts Professor stays for more that a year.

I guess those where the things I understood clearly now when I read the book. Now everything is in place. while reading i can't wait to finish this book because I want to learn more about Tom Riddle's life. I can't imagine him being in Hogwarts as a student and why when he graduated he wants to be a professor at Hogwarts. Everything is all clear now.

Till my next review.

Mrs. P


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