Amy and Roger's Epic Detour

“The best discoveries always happened to the people who weren't looking for them.”
 -Roger Sullivan-

Ratings: 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Pages: 344
Format: Ebook
Genre: YA contemporary
Author: Morgan Matson


Ever since the accident, that lead to her father dying, Amy Curry isn't ready to be behind the wheel. Her mother ask an old family friend's son, Roger, to drive her car from California to Connecticut since Roger is visiting his dad in Philadelphia. Amy's mom gave them a specific route to take and booked them to Hotel rooms. But Amy is not ready to live California behind just yet. They decided to change and make their own routes. On one epic road trip that would change their lives and mend broken hearts.

Review Time:

This is more of a 4.5 to 4.75 stars. I love this book and the way it was written. The pictures she includes for her scrapbook, their playlists, even receipts from their mini mart purchases and of course the flashbacks. It makes you want to make an epic detour yourself. That ending is just right.

Till my next review.

Mrs. P


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