The Future of Us

"When the right moment appears, the key is not to let it pass."
  -David Templeton-

Rating: 🌟🌟🌟
Pages: 356
Format: Physical Copy
Author: Jay Asher & Carolyn Mackler
Genre: Young Adult


It's 1996, neighbors and used to be best friends Josh and Emma installed a new AOL CD on Emma's computer. When they signed in they where automatically logged onto their Facebook account and they have no idea what it is. Looking at the pictures they saw that they are both looking older and it is fifteen years in the future. 

By refreshing the pages they keep on learning new things about the future them. They are forcing their present lives to change the outcome of their future.

Review Time:

I was a bit disappointed with this book. when I read the synopsis I was really intrigued then I started reading it and reading it and there it is... Emma logged on to Facebook in 1996. I finished the book so fast because I want to know if they will actually meet on Facebook fifteen years after... and another disappointment. I mean it is fun to read if you think about it the nostalgia that you will feel. In '96 still no laptop, ipad, iphone and other gadgets you just have a desktop computer with a dial up modem.

Til my next review.

Mrs. P


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