
"Eyes closed. I concentrate on visualizing a sandy beach and slowing my breathing - in through my nose, hold, out through my mouth. I've done this often enough to know it works. I've used it to numb the panic and sorrow for the past two years. problem is, I've also succeeded in dulling pretty much every other emotion. There's always a price."

                                        -Miki Jones-

3.5 out of 5 stars

This is an interesting read especially when you read in the first chapters that Miki Jones saved a girl from being hit by a car and waking up with no broken bones or even a scratch. She discovered that she got pulled out from her regular life to a game that she and her team are sent on a mission to eliminate Drau. With no practice and not knowing what will happen she have to depend on her team and make sure her band does not turn red.

I enjoyed reading Rush, my only comment would be I just hoped Eve Silver focused more on the game rather than the love triangles and best friend drama. The concept was great really. No doubt I will be reading Push.

Til my next review.

Mrs. P


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